Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall is here!

Brrrr...these cold mornings are really hitting Cate & Josh hard.  They want to get out the boots, gloves, hats, and winter coats.  I am trying to hold them off for awhile longer but they plead desperately each morning that they really need them.  We've had a busy week with soccer.  Josh & Cate are great soccer players and continue to remain undefeated this season.  This momma is proud! But what I love most is the fact that they are learning scripture that applies directly to our lives.  The current verse is "Obey your leaders.  Put yourself under their authority. "  Hebrews 13:17.  What a great verse.  The devotion at the last half time was about God being the ultimate authority and how He placed the teachers, parents, coaches, grandparents, etc above us to help us follow Him.  When we choose to disobey these leaders we are choosing to disobey God.  My goodness that is something to think about.  We love how Upwards soccer directly infuses scripture into our lives. 

Sometimes we have time after school to just play!  They love our dog Zoe and she is often times a big part of their play!


Josh's 5th grade class took a field trip to JABiz Town which is a Junior Achievement sponsored simulation city where the students have jobs, receive paychecks, pay bills, open bank accounts, make purchases, etc.  They had to do a resume and interview for their jobs and then fulfil these jobs at the pretend town.  Josh received the job of mail carrier.  He was awesome at this job and loved it.  Mail is an exciting part of the day at our house.  Here are some shots of Josh being the mailman at JABiz Town.


Last of all we were excited to meet Grandma & Grandpa for supper at Bob Evans.  It is always fun to see G & G.  Josh & Cate have great support from all their grandparents!

Thanks for reading the blog and praying for us.  We are gearing up for birthdays and holidays in the near future.  Pray that we can keep all of us focused on Christ and continue

Choosing joy,
Chris & crew

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