Monday, October 31, 2011

October is ending!

This week returned to normal (whatever that is) routine for us since birthdays were over.  We had fun on Friday since the kids were out of school for conferences.  We headed to Nick & Autumn's house to have some outdoor Fall fun.  We raked leaves, rode the tractor, and visited a pumpkin farm.  All with great Fall weather outside.  Thanks Nick & Autumn for the fun day.

Saturday was a day of chores around the house.  Josh was a big help with the projects.  We also put together our shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  The kids had shopped for the items for their shoeboxes and now we needed to get them packed up to take to church.  We also discovered the kids love to work on puzzles so that was a great afternoon activity.  They stayed really focused and worked together.  Another fun item of the day was getting the mail and finding that Grandma Clark had sent a Halloween envelope full of goodies.  Josh & Cate love getting the mail and get really excited when they see their names on the outside of the package.  Thanks Lola Clark.  Aunt Dawn and Uncle Tim had sent a package earlier in the week with Halloween surprises.  What fun for them to be spoiled by family.  Thanks!

We are signed up to run in the Galloping Gobbler on Thanksgiving morning here in Fort Wayne.  We have started by running a mile each night and then next week it is 2 miles each night.  We have to work our way up to 4 miles by November 24th. So here is what we looked like one night as we were heading out in 35 degree weather.  Notice the 2 kiddos are much cuter than us big people!  They think it is fun.  We think it is work!

To top off our fun weekend, Tim (Jeff's brother) & Kim Clark came to visit on Sunday.  We enjoyed introducing them to Josh & Cate.  They helped us introduce Josh & Cate to the tradition of carving pumpkins.  The kids did a great job of carving and we all enjoyed spending the afternoon together.  Uncle Tim and Aunt Kim treated them to their own snow shovels and sleds!  We will put those to good use in the upcoming northern Indiana weather.  We actually let them try the sleds out on the stairs.  Have we lost our minds?  It was fun though!

I can't help but add a few pictures of our adorable grandson, Nolan.  He is growing like crazy and starting to smile.  What a blessing he is.  So precious.  Isn't God amazing?

Wish I knew how to turn these pictures.

Thanks for reading the blog and continuing to pray for us.  Tonight is "Trick or Treat" so another fun tradition we get to introduce Josh & Cate too.  We've already told them that all the chocolate candy needs to go to Mommy!  God's blessings to you and remember to always....Choose Joy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthday Week!

This week was crazy with the birthdays.  It started last weekend when Josh & Cate got to open a few gifts early from out of town family members.  The fun started again on Wednesday when gifts arrived from Lola Clark (Grandma Joan Clark) in the mail.  They love getting mail and they really love it when a package arrives.  Thanks Lola Clark.

Then the next day a package arrived from our good friends, John & Kim Porter.   Again this was very exciting for Josh & Cate.  Thanks John & Kim.

On Friday the kids took bag of treats to school for their classes.  When they got off the bus I had all the neighbor kids come to the driveway and we just had a cake there for everyone.  It was fun and about all the partying Josh & Cate could take.  They don't do well with crowds or surprises. 


Now why can't I get this picture to turn? Shoot!

On Friday night we took Josh & Cate downtown to The Embassy to the Third Day, Brandon Heath, Tenth Avenue North concert.  It was the kickoff for the Operation Christmas Child campaign with the shoeboxes.  The concert was great and we thought it would be a fun way to celebrate.  The kids love Christian music and we were excited for them to get a shoebox to fill.

On Saturday we just hung out at the house until church.  We gave the kids some gifts and watched movies.  It was a nice peaceful day.  They seemed to need the down time away from crowds.

After church on Saturday we went to my Mom and Bob's place to have a small quaint little celebration with them.  We all enjoyed that time together. Thanks Mom & Bob.

Sunday was a day with more fun.  The fun stuff just kept coming.  We started out by going costume shopping and shoebox shopping.  The kids made good choices for both.  Then we went to the Fall Harvest Party at The Chapel.  The kids got to go in costume so that was especially fun.  Later on we had bible study at our house and the bible study gang sang Happy Birthday to Josh & Cate.  They've all been great spiritual and physical support through our adoption process.  We definitely covet their prayers and assistance.  You won't find more Godly people than this group.  We love you guys!

(Oops...sorry I can't figure out how to turn this one.
Josh is still the perfect Ninja even from this point of view!)

 They definitely chose perfect costumes for their personalities.  Josh is a sword fighting Ninja and Cate a hot pink Super Girl!  They each love their choices and so do we!

It is now Monday morning and they are back to the routine of school and done with birthdays for another year.  In case you didn't know their birthdays, Josh was 11 on Saturday, Oct. 22 and Cate was 10 on Friday, Oct. 21st.  They are the same age for 1 day.  Both adorable children and we are blessed.  Remember our 2 favorite sayings..... God is good!  and   You can do it!