Monday, December 19, 2011

Countdown to Christmas!

Well school is out and we are excited about Christmas getting so close.  Josh & Cate just can hardly contain themselves.  They had a school party and got to wear their pajamas and take a pillow to use during the Polar Express movie.  This was a blast for them and they handled it very well.  They are improving so much on their understanding of what is happening most of the time.  We still have our communication issues but for the most part the English is remarkably improved.  We've had some relaxing times at home wrapping gifts, stuffing Christmas cards, playing games, watching movies, and of course....tickle time!

Our friend, Miss Mindy, was taking her residents from St. Annes' on a light tour in our neighborhood.  She stopped by and asked if we with the kids and Zoe (our schnauzer) would like to hop in her bus and tour the lights.  We took some cookies and joined them.  It was really quite fun and the kids got a kick out of "a bus full of Lolas!"  Lola is the word for grandma in their language.

Our neighbors from past years were in town and came by to visit us and meet the kids.  They have 4 year old Ryan that the kids enjoyed meeting.  It was great to see Ran & Naiwei Huang again.  We love these guys and were thrilled to have them in our home again. 

The Chapel had their big Christmas production finale this past weekend and it was fun to see a live camel walk down the aisle.  The kids loved it as much as the adults.  Thanks Chapel family for all you do to spread the word about Jesus!

It's been a good week in the Clark house.  We did some shopping with the kids and that was pretty overwhelming but for the most part they are gearing up to experience their best Christmas ever.  We are keeping them focused on the star of Christmas, our Lord, Jesus Christ.  I pray that you keep Him at the center of your Christmas and you are blessed for your obedience.  Looking forward to 2012 and the good news He has for us there.
Choosing Joy,
Chris & crew

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