Monday, March 26, 2012

Fishing, Fishing, Fishing!

Fishing has become the major pasttime at our house.  We have a neighborhood pond behind our house and the kids (especially Josh) are really enjoying spending time there.  New fishing poles were purchased over the weekend and they really got used alot with the great weather.  Temps all last week were in the 70's and even 80's.  Very unusual for Indiana in mid March.  All trees are in bloom and the grass is growing like crazy.  The kids are loving the outdoor activities without jackets and shoes.  This is Indiana though so it could change to chilly weather at any moment.  I keep trying to explain this to Josh & Cate but they either don't understand due to the language barrier or they just think I don't know what I am talking about.  Probably the latter!

Cate had a playdate with a friend from school.  This was only her 2nd in the 8 months they've been here so it was a big deal.  The girls seem to have a great time but of course they had to check out the fishing that was going on at the moment. 

Daddy Jeff was on travel to Texas during the week so we met him at the airport when he returned.    That was a fun surprise for him and us. It will be even more fun when we all are flying away for spring break in Florida. 

Grandpa Bob turned 80 on Friday so we had to stop over for a birthday surprise.  Happy Birthday Grandpa Bob!  Thanks for all you do for us!

On Saturday we strung fishing wire into plastic Easter eggs to hang on a bush outside.  The kids are really good at working on a projects.  It was a fun family activity and gave us a chance to discuss Easter thoughts. 

While Josh was out fishing (did I mention he loves fishing?) I decided Cate needed some girl time.  We watched a movie and did nails.  It was so fun to pamper her!

Josh & Cate have been attending kids' choir at The Chapel where we attend.  They had a huge worship in song concert this weekend and it was wonderful.  The kids all sang with the adult praise teams at the end.  It's not easy to see but Cate is in the green t-shirt and Josh in the red.  They were told to wear jeans and bright colored t-shirts.  Their t-shirts say "Jesus is better than candy!"  We are so thankful to The Chapel folks for their support of our family.

With the nice weather we've been enjoying meals out on our deck.  This seems odd to Josh & Cate.  They keep asking why we are eating out here.  We say just because we can.  They can't really figure it out.  We enjoy it though and it is easier for Josh to get right back to his fishing!

As always I need to include my "Nolan" pictures.  I am so lucky to get to see him often.  What a sweetie he is.  Best baby ever!

Thanks for reading the blog and praying.  You are a blessing to us and we covet your prayers.  As we approach Good Friday remember Easter is close behind.  I pray you know and serve our risen Lord today! 

Choosing joy,
Chris & crew

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