Monday, March 19, 2012

8 Months Woot! Woot!

We have crossed that 8 month mark of when we flew to the PI to pick up the kids back in July at King's Garden Children's Home.  Some times it seems like it's been a long long journey and then other times I can't remember life without them.  God is so good at loving us in every situation and we are so thankful for that.

The weather has been incredibly nice here in Indiana.  Last week and this we are seeing temps in the 70's and one day over 80.  We are all enjoying this early spring weather.  Josh & Cate have been quick to shed the winter coats and kick off the shoes.  They love the freedom of no gloves & hats plus just playing outside is a blessing.  We have been able to visit parks, ride bikes, cook out, picnic, play baseball in the backyard, go fishing, and just enjoy being exhausted at the end of the day because we played hard today.

Our friends, John & Kim Porter, came to visit on Saturday and we had a fun time picnicking and playing at Jorgensen Y park.

We attend church on Saturday night and usually the dress is very casual but for Josh & Cate they love to dress up for church.  We had bought some new Easter attire so we'd be ready in a couple of weeks to celebrate our Savior but they just couldn't wait to wear the clothes.  I thought Why Not?  Anytime is a good time to dress up for Jesus so they were all decked out for Saturday night church this week.  The sun was shining brightly into their eyes during this picture so they were really much happier than they appear here!

Sunday we spent some time at the Y pool and some dear friends invited us over for a cookout.  Thank you Mike & Mary Noonan! 

The Noonans have a dog that looks very much like our Zoe.  Josh loved "Scout" and I think Scout returned the feeling.  Schnauzers are great pets!

As always I have to throw in a favorite picture of our grandson Nolan who was 6 months this week. 

Thanks so much for reading the blog and praying for us.  As we near Good Friday and feel that pain we must remember the joyous Easter to follow.  We are thankful for our God and we're counting on Him. 

Choosing joy,
Chris & crew

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