Well it has been a tough day but we got through the airport scene. We finished packing things up this morning and headed to McDonald's for our last "soda" and fries. Boy do they love fries with ketchup! They got the dipping thing down pat! After our snack at Mickey D's it was off to the airport.
Things were very quiet there as the 10 children gathered. The older kids tried to be upbeat and tell the little ones that we would be seeing each other again soon but there were still tears in the midst and not just by the children. Saying goodbye is never easy!
We did get all the kids ticketed and through security and saw them heading up the escalator out of sight. The plane should have taken off about an hour ago.

They fly to Detroit and from there leave at 3:55 for the Philippines. They will arrive in Manila at 10:35 pm on Aug 20th. They are about 12 hours ahead of us. So basically arriving at 10:35am our time on the 20th which means it is about a 21 hour trip home for them. We're praying all goes well for them. Thanks again for all the support everyone has given us. As I sit at home writing this I feel a little strange with the quietness around me. It will take some adjusting to go back to just the 2 of us here. Does Zoe count?
I will not update the blog daily anymore but just occaisionally if I hear from the kids or decisions are made.
God's blessings to you and always continue....
Choosing Joy,
You guys make a great looking family!! We have several families in our Church that have adopted. Hope all goes well.