Last Sunday we drove to Brook for the day and introduced Ramon and Ramona to their Lola Clark. We arrived about noon and all went to The Good Table for lunch. Ramon and Ramona said they wanted "HAMburger" but since they'd had so many McDonald's hamburgers on the vacation I figured they were tired of those and ordered them spagetti. Wouldn't you know it as soon as their food arrived they looked over and pointed at the table next to us to the hamburger the guy was eating. They really did want another hamburger. I had to share mine wiith them and eat half their spagetti. I guess next time I'll just order them a "HAMburger". After lunch they played at Lola's house and we left for home about 4:00. It was a quick trip but always fun to see Grandma Clark. They loved all the pictures at her house and wanted to touch every single one of course. They were thrilled to meet Lola Clark!
And Lola Clark was so very happy to meet these dear children. I fell in love with them right away. So cute and smiley.