We also celebrated their cousin's, Matt Walker, 25th birthday. Family dinners are always a special treat. We ate at our favorite Chinese restaurant where you can watch the chefs through windows as they prepare the food. Josh & Cate are handling themselves better while watching others open presents and get special treatment. At first it was always about them and when they didn't get something there was a huge uproar. They seem to be relaxing and enjoying someone else getting a gift. The phrase "What about me?" doesn't come up as often as it used to. We are thankful for this huge step in feeling safe and making progress in a family environment.
Our friends, John & Kim Porter, came to cheer everyone in the Saturday soccer & football games. They braved the chilly weather and stood outside with us at the games. John & Kim are huge supporters and faithful prayer warriors in our journey with Josh & Cate. We are so thankful for their prescence in our lives. They always love on Josh & Cate and it is such a blessing for us when they are around. We also celebrated Miss Kim's birthday. Josh & Cate helped me make cupcakes earlier in Kim's honor.
Josh got a battle scar at the football game. Ouch!
After our church service on Saturday night, The Chapel had a bonfire and hayride get together. The kids remembered this from last year and were looking forward to it again. They love the chicken n' noodles, the hot chocolate, the sugary popcorn, the roasting of marshmellows, and the hayride. It was a bit chilly but they didn't seem to notice! We are thankful to The Chapel for their support of families!
On Sunday Cate and I got invited to a baby shower. Cate wondered how we were going to get the baby wet. (Why do we call it a shower?) This little guy was adopted domestically so I am not going to show his picture here on the blog but Cate's questions were interesting. Her first question was "How did she get her new baby?". Coming from a 10 year old that is interesting to answer. She didn't mean anything inappropriate by it. She was thinking of whether it was adopted or not? That is her way of thinking about new babies. Then we said the baby was adopted and she asked "What country is he from?" Again she is very factual about adoption! We said he is from the USA and she just said "Oh." That was the end of the discussion. :) You got to love the things kids say!
Most of the shower pictures had the baby in them so this is our only one to post.
We have had some frosty mornings here in Indiana lately. The kids are enjoying seeing their breath and the frost all over the ground thrills them. They are sure snow is close behind and the winter coats, gloves, and hats are all out now.
How can you not love these faces! What beautiful children God creates! We are so thankful for the chance to serve God and follow our passion at the same time! Please continue to pray for us and always be thankful while....
Choosing joy,
Chris & crew
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