With Fall arriving and cooler weather we've encountered some "firsts" again. The kids had their first hayride and roasting marshmellows experience and hot cider and a bonfire.
Later in the evening as the temperatures dropped the kids started to notice they could see their breath. They thought this was hilarious and ran around trying to breath out and then catch the breath. They just kept running around puffing out air to see it turn white and then would giggle hysterically. They just thought it was so cool...no pun intended. They are so excited for snow and ask daily if it snowed. I don't think they realize yet what they are in for with our northern Indiana winters!
We decided to clean out the garage and the attic. We found many boxes that were just stuffed up there when we moved here so decided to investigate. It was fun. They found some old building equipment plus some of Nick's old football gear and a dress up box that included wigs from Courtney's make believe days. Plus the old john deere tractor that Luke cherished, were all brought down and tried out. They really had a good time as you can see by the silliness below.
We did manage to get some work done and when there is work to be done these kids are right there with you pushing you to get it done.
The kids have been asking to go swimming. They just can't figure out why the swimming has stopped. I even say it is too cold outside and Josh always replies "I don't care!". I think he would care. We may have to check out an indoor pool or find a swim team. So in lieu of swimming outside we decided to give the indoor whirlpool a try. They loved it of course. When I turned those jets on they started hootin' and hollerin'. So much fun!
Earlier in the week Cate had her first eye exam and I'm happy to announce she has 20/20 vision. Yay! God is good. She did great at the exam and got the usual treat of french fries at McDoo's afterwards. The funny part about the exam was they dilated her eyes so at home she wore her shades to work on the computer Starfall.com game. She was hilarious with the shades on.
Cate was allowed to have her new friend from school over to play on Saturday. The girls had been asking for weeks when they could get together. This littls girl is from Sri Lanka and a very nice young lady.
Our nightly routine always involves reading books and long "tucking in" sessions. It is so much fun for this mommy.
We've had a really good week and I just want to show you some of the smiles I've seen at my house lately.
And to make life even better we have this new grandson in our lives. I can't pass up on the opportunity to show off Nolan Denham Clark. He is so precious and perfect.
Thanks for reading the blog and praying for us. Also please pray for the Philippines. They have been blasted with several typhoons and life is fragile for so many of them. Thanks again.
Choosing joy,
Chris & crew
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