This week has been much more relaxed and we've spent time doing normal everyday things like riding bikes and fishing. The 2 big things the kids have been on us constantly to try are "fishing" and "bikes". So on Tuesday we headed to the lake to check out the fishing poles. We were fortunate to find 2 smaller poles that were already hooked up so we were set to go. Josh and Cate practiced their casting and reeling for hours. It was great fun. Josh only through his pole in on one cast but other than that we were good.
We want to thank our friends, the Beary fanily, for helping us discover these kiddos are great bike riders. They tried out bikes at the Beary house and they did pretty good for no prior experience.
We also had fun on their trampoline.
Once we got home from the Beary's we got up into the attic and found Nick & Courtney's 20 inch bikes. Just what we needed! One cool boy bike and a really pretty purple & pink flowered one. God is so good. These bikes were perfect. With a little work on seat adjustment and pumping up tires the kids were ready to go.
Besides fishing and biking we also got to reconnect with some of our Raytheon friends for a pizza lunch. We really appreciate their support and friendship.
How awesome is it that you had bikes ready and waiting on the kids!! Just an amazing blessing! So happy for them to get to ride and enjoy their last week of summer before school starts! Hope you guys have a wonderful week:)